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Using The 3D Web Viewer

Updated: Sep 19, 2024

So you received a 3D virtual walkthrough, now what? Here's how to view, measure, and download pictures from your 3D scan.

View 3D scans and models via the web

How To Open 3D Virtual Walkthrough Web Viewer

All 3D virtual walkthroughs are delivered to your notification email regardless of whether they're from one of our clients or a new lead from the Devrio marketplace.

Receiving 3D virtual walkthroughs from homeowners

3D models can be opened on devices with internet access, but it's preferable to be on a desktop, mobile phone, or tablet. The URL is unlisted, meaning anyone can open it, but is not discoverable by the general public.

Tutorial Video

Coming Soon

Navigating The 3D Virtual Walkthrough

Navigating a 3D virtual walkthrough is easy and intuitive. It's recommended that you use a mouse or a touchscreen mobile phone or tablet. Here's a quick rundown of how to navigate the 3D virtual walkthrough.

With A Mouse

  • Left click and hold to look or rotate around

  • Scroll on the mouse to zoom in and out

  • Right-click and hold to pan left, right, up, and down

On A Touch Screen Mobile Phone Or Tablet

  • One finger touch to look or rotate around

  • Pinch with two fingers to zoom in and out

  • Touch and hold with two fingers to pan left, right, up, and down

Navigation controls for 3D model web viewer

Taking Measurements

Devrio allows you to take linear measurements using the ruler tool. Measurements are accurate down to a few inches. The larger the scan area, the greater the error is on your measurements. For example, if you measure a countertop that's 10 feet long, your measurement may be 1-2 inches off from the real world. If you're measuring a driveway that's 95 feet long, your measurement may be 6-8 inches off from the real world.

How To Take Measurements

  1. Click on the context menu in the top left corner

  2. Click on the ruler icon

  3. Click to begin your measurement

  4. Click to end your measurement

  5. Repeat until finished

Measurement tool on the 3D model web viewer

Viewing & Downloading Pictures

Every 3D virtual walkthrough comes with a series of regular photos of the space. These photos are automatically taken while the homeowner is scanning and it's a great way to view the space in a more traditional setting.

How To View & Download Pictures

  1. Click on the context menu in the top left corner

  2. Click on the camera icon to open the picture gallery

  3. Click on any image to open in fullscreen

  4. Use the arrows to scroll left and right

  5. Right-click to save and download images

Downloading pictures from a 3D scan created with an iPhone

Viewing The Homeowner's Notes & Contactor Information

Every homeowner has the option to leave notes with their 3D virtual walkthrough. Regardless of whether they leave notes, the homeowner must leave their name and phone number. This contact information is how you'll associate a 3D virtual walkthrough with the client you invited.

How To Access Notes In The Viewer

  1. Click on the context menu in the top left

  2. Click on the notepad icon

3D scan of a room that is ready to be painted

How to Access The Client's Contact Information

To protect the privacy of the homeowners who use Devrio, we do not display their personal information within the web viewer. Instead, their contact information is visible with every notification email.

New 3D scan for my home improvement project


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